Yogic Arts

We offer Private and Group Classes. No matter your level we can accommodate your own personal needs and style. Our teachers are certified in Hatha, Prenatal, Restorative, Chakra Therapy, Kundalini, Baby and Me, and Kidding Around Yoga for kids.

Lotus Mudra Therapeutics follows Patanjalis Eight Limb Path.

Patanjali, a Yoga and Ayurvedic Sage dating back over 2500 years ago, writes of the 8 Limb Path in The Yoga Sutras. It is the daily spiritual Science and Practice to reach Enlightenment.

The 8 Limbs are:

1. Yamas: 5 Restraints – How we relate to Others 1. Ahimsa – Non-harming 2. Satya – Truth 3. Asteya -Non-stealing 4. Bramhacharya – Spiritual Conduct 5. Aparagriha – Non-Hoarding/Greed

2. Niyamas: 5 Observances – How we relate to Ourselves 1. Saucha – cleanliness 2. Santosha – contentment 3. Tapas – Zeal for Yoga/ regulation 4. Svadyaya – Self-study 5. Ishvarapranidhana – Surrender

3. Asana: Physical Postures and Movement

4. Pranayama: Breath Control, Breathing Excercises, Manipulation of Prana (life force)

5.Pratyahara: Withdrawal of senses, Detachment from the world, sitting quietly aware

6. Dharana: Steadying The Mind, Focus, Concentration

7. Dhyana: Contemplation, Mindless Attention, Meditation

8. Samadhi: Bliss! Perfect union of the Individual Soul (Atma) and the Supreme Soul(Bhagavan)

Asana, or postures is only one limb of the 8 fold path. We practice Yoga on a daily basis in all our actions. So wether you are on the mat, taking care of your family, driving your car or just washing dishes, remember to be mindful and you will live a happy stress free life.

A Private class with Cynthia is $60/hr

This includes Hands-on Personal Adjustments and Balance Techniques

Meditation is offered for an additional charge depending on the duration over the initial hour.

Bliss Out and Restore

Bliss Out and Restore every 3rd Wednesday from 6 pm to 8:30 pm at Swan River Yoga Uptown. Join Us for Two and a half hours of blissful yoga, meditation Aromatherapy and a deep Reiki Energy Clearing.
We start the evening with Meditation and Intention sinking into relaxing Restorative poses - letting go, releasing into the poses, using Meditation, Visualization and Soothing Sound to let go of any stress, weakness, worries Blockages or tensions to realign with the body soul and mind. These Poses are designed to stimulate your immune system and balance Your Chakra Centers to bring more power and Clarity to living your most Authentic Life’s Purpose.
We will start with Mantra and Meditation using deep Pranayama (breathing techniques) to guide us through our poses opening up our Chakras (Energy Centers) with the help of Aromatherapy covering the benefits of using Therapeutic Essential Oils in our practice as well as Daily Life.
While in our Restorative Poses we will learn to give ourselves Reiki Energy and Receive various Thai Yoga Therapeutics from Cynthia along the way.